National Storytelling Conference Update #1 - The Very Best Thing
Greetings, Story Seekers!
I've been at the National Storytelling Conference for just over 24 hours and I have already figured out what the best part of it is: The People! Everywhere I turn, I'm met with smiling faces, eager to say Hello and get to know each other.
One of the nicest people I've blessed

to pair up with is my roommate, Rachel Nelson. Rachel and I hit it off right away. She is a talented woman who mixes storytelling with music. Last night, I was priviledged to see her perform her one-woman-show The Urban Hermit. WOW! She played at least five different instruments, including fiddle, washtub bass, and Kazoo! She wove together story and song in an autobiographical tale of her days spent as a wasted (literally) youth until she found her calling and talent as a street busker (performer). I had never seen anything like it. And now, I'm so honored to say that Rachel is my friend, and to be part of her still unfolding story. I even got to be her "roadie" - helping set up and pack up her stage and instruments. If you would like to learn more about Rachel Nelson and her show, her website is
And Rachel is only one of the hundreds of faces and stories I'm encountering here. For now, I better get back out there and meet some more. Talk to you later!
The Story Seeker
Dawn Cromwell